Your Search Is Over

by John O’Malley

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“Then said Boaz unto Ruth... Go not to glean in another field” (Ruth 2:8).

 Boaz’s offer of his provision and protection was not lost on Ruth. Boaz brought Ruth under the umbrella of his authority when he called her daughter. Though his servant had given Ruth access, an area to work, and an assignment, Boaz gave her something his servant could not give. He gave her adoption. 

 Her adoption signaled to the community that she was not without a kinsman. This adoption prevented her from having to find provision somewhere else. Boaz’s adoption of Ruth exempted her from seeking protection from someone else. Ruth’s adoption indicated that she would no longer need to ponder the future; Boaz had embraced her into the family. Boaz’s adoption sent one resounding message, “Your search for a place is over; you are at home now.”

 The message of Boaz’s invitation to Ruth must not be lost in our cultural ignorance. Boaz’s inclusion of Ruth in his harvest work assured her that she did not need to go anywhere else to glean. It was as if he was saying, “I will take care of all your tomorrows. Your future is secure. You have everything you need right here. I will take care of you from here on out. Your search is over.”

 When reading these words of Boaz, it is easy to sense his comfort and concern; yet there exists a greater meaning for the believer. Boaz’s words should reveal a command for every believer to heed. We are not to seek our own provision, protection, or promise from anywhere, anyone, or anything else. Our Eternal Boaz has placed in the field of His will everything we need.

 “Go not to glean in another field”is a command worth heeding. Why on earth would you run from job to job, church to church, and spouse to spouse, seeking personal satisfaction? Our Eternal Boaz has placed everything we need in the field of His will. Determine this day to seek provision, protection, and promises only from our Boaz.

Buy Reflections from Ruth: The Pain from Leaving (Volume 1)