Follow the Directions

by John O’Malley

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“Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Hearest thou not, my daughter?” (Ruth 2:8). 

 Ruth listened intently, and she fully understood Boaz’s instructions. Boaz wanted her to be aware of three priorities pertaining to his harvest. In essence Boaz said, “Stay with my fields, stay in fellowship with my maidens, and keep your eyes on my harvest.”

 There was no need for Boaz to say it twice. Ruth would need no further reminders about those instructions. She did not have to be told to stay, because she wanted to stay and serve. There was nothing any other Boaz could offer that could be better. She resolved in her heart that she had come to stay.

 Ruth knew that in order to have Boaz’s fullest blessings she would have to stay in his fields. She could not expect the protection, provision, and promises of Boaz if she was in the field of another. Ruth determined that if he cared so much for her, why would she want to leave his fields?

 Boaz told her to stay with his maidens and follow them wherever they went. Ruth already had met some of his gleaners and his reapers. This would not be difficult, for there was a kindred spirit among them. She enjoyed the harvest fellowship they were having. She could not imagine what would draw her attention from this fellowship of harvesters to anyone else’s fellowship.

 Ruth heard Boaz’s words, “Let thine eyes be on the field.” Though this seemed so basic, there must be a reason he told her this. She pondered, “I wonder what could take my eyes off of the harvest? How could I be in the harvest fields and still not see the harvest?” She determined she would keep these things close to her heart. She knew she would not want to disappoint Boaz in any way. Since these were Boaz’s directions, she would follow them.

 Far too often, believers today tend to wander from their Eternal Boaz’s fields seeking their own provisions and promise of fulfillment. So many times, we miss the blessing of His handfuls of purpose. Many seem to have lost the joy of fellowshipping with other harvesters. It is easy to be in the harvest fields and miss the harvest around usas we become absorbed in “busy-ness.” 

 Friend, our Eternal Boaz has given us similar directions to follow. Let us determine today that we will keep our feet in His fields, our eyes on His harvest, and our hearts with His harvesters.

Buy Reflections from Ruth: The Pain from Leaving (Volume 1)