Revealing Her Heart and Humility

by John O’Malley

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“Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground” (Ruth 2:10). 

 Ruth listened with her heart to the words Boaz spoke. He told her everything that he had prepared for her. Ruth saw in his eyes and heard from his heart the genuine compassion of Jehovah. This God-sent man had just settled every concern of her heart. Her fears of the future were met in Boaz’s promise. Her concerns for provision were met in Boaz. Her concerns for Naomi’s quality of life were met in Boaz.

 She was looking into the eyes of one who cared deeply for her. What words could she say in response to such an outpouring? Her heart responded before her lips could form words. Instantly, she dropped to the ground and hid her face from Boaz. 

 Ruth fell on her face as an unworthy servant. Ruth knew there was nothing that she could offer Boaz of value or merit. Knowing she was the recipient of his power, provision, and promise, this was not a moment for trying to find fitting words to express her inward gratitude. This was a moment reserved for appreciating the kindness of Boaz. Ruth knew she could never repay Boaz for his generosity, goodness, and grace. Ruth knew that she did not deserve his attention or his affection. 

 Ruth’s first response was from within. When she fell on her face, it revealed her humility. When she bowed herself to the ground, she revealed her heart. She cared not about those standing around who were peering in her direction. Her response came from within as she pondered the goodness of Boaz.

 We would do well to remember that we live our lives in the presence of our Eternal Boaz.Often we are too casual in our approach to Him. We neglect to reflect on our first meeting when He saved us from a life of misery. It seems most believers have become comfortable with His grace, casual in His presence, and calloused in their hearts.

 Will those around you today see your heart and humility?

Buy Reflections from Ruth: The Pain from Leaving (Volume 1)