Make a Joyful Noise
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands” (Psalm 100:1).
Have you ever been to a large stadium to watch a sporting event? My son and I were given tickets to a NFL game. The crowd that gathered to watch the game numbered over 65,000 people. People from all over the country assembled. The nation watched by television that Monday night. Many wanted to see this battle of the quarterbacks. The crowd could not be silent; everybody had something to say. The noise in that stadium at times was deafening.
The psalmist in our text verse today speaks of all the lands of the earth making a joyful noise. Imagine this planet is a stadium. In each section of the stadium, nations are assigned seats. Now, over the loudspeakers, a call is issued for each nation on earth to proclaim its joy for the Lord of Glory. Like in the Olympics, the roll call of nations would begin—each nation longing for the moment when their nation’s name is called. What exuberance! What exaltation! What enthusiasm!
In the Olympics, each participating country sends a delegation to represent them. Have you seen the nations who only send a single athlete? The cheers for that single athlete cannot compare to a nation who sent dozens of athletes to participate. Similarly, in our imagined stadium, the cries from some nations are not as loud as others of the same size? Why not? Why are some nations louder than others? Why is it that there are so few to make a joyful noise from some countries?
Oh I say, my friend, it is we the believers who should have gone to the nations and told them of our great Saviour! We should have thought of our command and commission more than the comforts and conveniences of this life. The command will be issued one day, my friend—a command for all the lands of the earth to bow their knees. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
The celebration of the Saviour from all nations will be splendid. Oh may we take the challenge from Scripture and go to the people of the world and tell them of His great love. Oh let us commit once again to the task of getting the gospel to every creature!
Today, purpose in your heart that in the next twenty-four hours you will share the gospel’s message with someone. Your witness may be their last opportunity to hear. Will you do this?