His Truth Endureth

and his truth endureth to all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

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Have you noticed how the meaning of words change? Each year new words are added to our English dictionary by dictionary publishers. The definition of words change with the culture and each generation.

For instance, the word “awful” meant inspiring wonder in the fourteenth century. Its meaning, embedded in the word, is full of awe. However, in modern English we use the word in an opposite manner. Now the definition of the word is negative. The word “broadcast” originally was used in an agricultural contact. A farmer would “broadcast” his seed in sowing. Today, the word is used to describe media programming. 

In strong contrast to words changing over time and in different generations, God’s Word does not change. The psalmist ends this psalm of praise with a notice about the truth of God being timeless and trans-generational. 

Consider this: God’s Word—His truth—endures. His Word was written over fifteen hundred years. It has endured scores of generations. Society changes with every generation. Yet, His Word does not change. His Word does not expire. His Word remains unchanged. 

This generation has the Word of God available to it. The truth available to a thousand generations is relevant today. While society changes, and trends come and go, God’s Word does not. When a generation seeks for answers, they will be found in His Word. When a generation needs hope and help, they will be found in His Word. When a generation is left hungering and thirsting, they will find themselves satiated by the Word of God. The reason the generation will find fulfillment in God’s truth is because “his truth endureth to all generations.”

The psalmist’s hymn of praise ends with a trio of truths. The crescendo of this song is found in this last phrase. God’s truth will march on to subsequent generations. When the Old Testament saints sang this hymn, they found comfort that God’s truth would endure to the next generation. Today, we can sing with the same assurance of a former generation. The generation to come behind you will find that God’s truth, His Word, will endure to the next generation. 

Today, look around at the people in your life. Someone in your life needs to hear and know the timeless and relevant truths of God’s Word. Know this: the Bible is the answer to every human need. It is the only true consolation for humankind. Share the Word of God with someone in your life. You will find that Word of God endures to every generation.