“And Ruth Said”

by John O’Malley

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“And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go: and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” (Ruth 1:16).

Naomi’s testimony in Moab was on display for her family and friends there. Though both girls viewed Naomi’s testimony, only one was drawn to the Lord. Every day in Moab, Ruth and Orpah watched Naomi’s devotion, dedication, and decisions. Each daughter-in-law made up her own mind about the God of the Hebrews as portrayed by Naomi. 

These girls had only known Moab’s idols and gods. Yet on the trip out of Moab, one girl had seen and heard enough about God that she was convicted of her own nature and converted to Israel’s God. When I read Ruth’s testimony, I am convinced of six things:

Naomi’s testimony drew Ruth to her heart. “entreat me”

Naomi’s testimony drew Ruth to her hope. “goest”

Naomi’s testimony drew Ruth to her homeland. “lodgest”

Naomi’s testimony drew Ruth to her home folks. “people”

Naomi’s testimony drew Ruth to Him. “God”

Naomi’s testimony drew Ruth to heaven.

Each believer sojourning here in Moab (the world) must be aware of his testimony before the lost and the Lord’s people. What would someone say of your testimony on this earth? The world watches your actions and reactions as you sojourn here. Your life is a reflection of the God in whom you say you believe. Will people convert to God because of your testimony?  

Think about it...


Buy Reflections from Ruth: The Pain from Leaving (Volume 1)