by John O’Malley
“So she gleaned in the field until even, and beat out that she had gleaned: and it was about an ephah of barley” (Ruth 2:17).
Ruth gleaned in the field. It would be rather easy to overlook the simplicity of such a statement. It would be even easier to avoid the obvious. No small attention should be made toward the middle words in the first phrase of this verse.
Some might even wonder, “Where else would one labor but the field?” It is clear that if she was adopted into a relationship with the family of the lord of the harvest, and she had been inducted into the harvest worker role, what else would she do? One could ask, “She was laboring, is that not enough?” Friend, it seems that many have come to adopt the mentality that generates these questions. It is assumed that if you are laboring, it is enough. It is not enough!
We must make conscientious application to our own hearts as we ponder, not solely upon whether we labor, but also upon where we are laboring. As Christians today, we are often busy laboring in fields, but in fields of our own making. We labor for our own causes and neglect the cause of Christ. Some today seem to labor in more than one field. Any labor in fields other than that of the Lord of the harvest creates a weariness that hinders or even halts our labor for our Eternal Boaz.
Like Ruth, as believers we have been adopted into a relationship with Jesus, The Eternal Boaz. We have also been inducted into His harvest field to labor. This should be enough to prompt us to stay in His fields laboring for His cause.
Where are you laboring today? Are you in a field of His making or your own? Have you spread yourself thinly and His fields are suffering for it? Many would have scolded Ruth for getting into Boaz’s family, and then going about her own business as if nothing happened between her and Boaz. Why then would you hold a standard for Ruth and another for yourself? Determine today to labor in the field He placed you and not in a field of your own making.