The Battle

by John O’Malley

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So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bare a son” (Ruth 4:13).

God made a promise to mankind in the Garden of Eden of a Messiah. Since the promise was made, Satan has sought to attack God’s creation in order to disrupt the line of the One that would crush his own head. One such attempt by Satan to destroy the line of the Messiah is seen in his attack on the family of Elimelech. Satan attacked Elimelech, who stood at the head of the line of the Messiah. Then, with the death of all the living males in the family line of the Messiah, Satan could extinguish the hope of the Messiah.

Ruth’s redemption was the very will of God, and none of Satan’s army could prevent it. This day, Satan lost a battle in his war to prevent the birth of the Messiah. However, the last battle in this war would be waged in this little town of Bethlehem-judah in a few generations. Satan would enlist rulers, innkeepers, and politicians to prevent the birth of Christ. Yet he would fail miserably, and Jesus Christ, our Kinsman-Redeemer, would be born to provide redemption for the world.

Jesus, our wealthy relative, by His birth in the family of mankind, generously gave Himself for the redemption of the world. His virgin birth and sinless life uniquely qualified Him. His sacrificial death was the price He paid for the redemption of the family of man. His resurrection gave Him the keys of death, hell, and the grave. He alone is the only way mankind can be redeemed.

Are you among the redeemed? Is your family? Are your neighbors and co-workers? The greatest story we could ever tell is the story of redemption by our Eternal Boaz.

Think about it...

Buy Reflections from Ruth: The Pain from Leaving (Volume 1)