My God is My King

By John O’Malley

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“And the name of the man was Elimelech” (Ruth 1:2).

times in our study of the Bible, we search for the meaning of people’s names to help us identify their character. In the Book of Ruth, one of the central figures is a man named Elimelech. Elimelech’s parents chose to name their child a name which meant “My God is King.” Each time their son heard his name, he would have to contemplate that his name indicated his parent’s desire for his life.

Yet I notice a disparity between what his name meant and how he lived his life. The Book of Ruth tells us that when a famine arose in the land, Elimelech, the one whose name means “My God is King,” departed for Moab.

We as Christians are named after our Saviour. We are to be like Him in our decisions, our determinations, and our declarations. What do you do when the time of drought comes, spiritually? Famines should never make you look toward Moab. Famines should never make you long for Moab. Famines should never make you leave for Moab. Pastor Charles Spurgeon said, “Better poverty with the people of God, than plenty outside of the covenanted land.”

Our God is our King. Why would we go to sojourn in Moab? Elimelech faced a famine and went to sojourn in Moab. He said, “My God is King, but I am going to sojourn in Moab!” Perhaps he went to Moab to look for provision, or prosperity, or a new promise. I remind you, dear reader—Elimelech found none of these things in Moab. He only found his death. 

If your God is King, why not live in His place, with His people, under His promises? If your God is your King, why seek to provide for yourself? If your God is your King, why endanger and expose your family to life apart from God’s will?

Think about it...

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