And She was Left

By John O’Malley

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“And Elimelech Naomi’s husband died; and she was left, and her two sons” (Ruth 1:3).

Death is an occasional visitor to most homes. In the Book of Ruth, death’s visit had orphaned and widowed three people in Moab. These three people should not have been in Moab, but Elimelech had let famine drive him from his home. His death left his family in Moab with only bitter memories.

Left alone to raise two sons in Moab—the very thought is overwhelming—Naomi faced the choice forced upon every widow: “What do I do now?” She made her choice, not based upon her faith relationship, nor upon her family relationship; but clearly upon her feelings. 

You can almost hear the decision process in her mind: “Well, my boys havegrown up in Moab, and my husband isburied here. The boys are interested in a couple of girls here. What is there really that can I go back to in Israel? It is a sixty-seven mile trip; I am just not ready for that. There have been so many changes in my life; I just want to keep things normal right now. I believe I am going to stay.” 

“And she was left”says it all. Moab is not the Promised Land. Maybe a famine drove you into Moab. Maybe a death has stranded you in Moab. If you find yourself in Moab, get out! Under Satan’s influence, Moab will continue to take from you and leave you empty.You say, “There is no way I can get any emptier!” Friend, if you read ahead, you will see that Moab will also take Naomi’s two boys and a daughter-in-law. Though Moab can threaten to leave you alone and take everything from you, Moab cannot take away God’s guiding hand. God’s hand can bring you home again from Moab.

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