Drawn to Heaven

by John O’Malley

Ruth 23.png

"Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried" (Ruth 1:17)

The statement must have resounded in Naomi's ears. "Wherever you die, that is where I want to be buried." Ruth had just stated the intentions of her faith. She had heard so much about God and His people that she told Naomi, “I just bought a one-way ticket, and I am here for the duration.”

Where would Naomi die? Does a believer in God ever die? No! We who believe in Him will neverdie (John 11:26). Ruth's soul had been drawn to heaven by one who lived in Moab, but never let Moab live in her soul.

It was as if Ruth was saying, "Naomi, I want your leaving place to be my leaving place." Ruth wanted Naomi's launching place of death to be her launching place. Ruth wanted Naomi's landing place in heaven to be her landing place.

Death is a leaving place for the believer. As Ruth left Moab, death will let us leave the Moab of earth. Death for the believer is a launching place. When a believer dies, they launch out of this world without the help of NASA. Death for the believer means that the landing place is heaven. Oh, do you not want to go?

Dear reader, these last few devotions have dealt with a testimony in Moab. How is yours? When last did a Moabite come up to you and say, "Wherever you are going when you die, that is where I want to go?"

Think about it...

Buy Reflections from Ruth: The Pain from Leaving (Volume 1)